The LoDown
Marketing insights, musings and more from the experts at LoSasso.
Marketing insights, musings and more from the experts at LoSasso.
If you work in marketing or sales, chances are you hear or read the words “Marketing Automation” at least a couple of times each week. […]
The use of social media undeniably optimizes our connections both personally and professionally. These tools we have grown to love and utilize now seem to be working for us while we multitask across platforms. By simplifying the number of clicks we make suddenly Google, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest all appear to be in cahoots with one another.
As B2B marketers, we need to coordinate our interactive marketing initiatives to maintain consistency throughout several different channels. Social media enhances the value of email and in return, email maximizes social media efforts. Email campaigns give marketers the opportunity to expose their brands as much as possible. It is the most cost effective interactive tool and increasing in its effectiveness. Email allows marketers to deliver a valuable visualization of their message through the user experience.
You can create and design a great website, but if no one can find it then it doesn’t have much value. At Losasso we try to impart the importance of SEO to our clients.
More and more brands are jumping onto social media sites without asking themselves one simple question: Why? Most have walked blindly into the social media arena because it’s free or because everyone else is doing it, without an actual social media strategy. Many have failed to realize that having accounts on Twitter, Facebook or MySpace, posting videos on YouTube, or creating a blog does not mean that you have a social media strategy.